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Bathroom/Kitchen Theme Greeting Cards
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FRENCH TEA SET B (C. 1825-1850)
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FRENCH TEA SET B (C. 1825-1850)
Text on the reverse side:
Gilding, the painting and layering of gold accents, was often the final stage of decorating French porcelain. As houses were lit by firelight or candlelight, the gold features would reflect light onto the dinner or tea table, further illuminating the room.
A6 size (148mm x 105mm)
Luxury pearlescent eco certified paper
Produced in our London studio
Trivia fact on the reverse
Biodegradable packaging
FREE UK delivery for 5 cards or more
FREE international delivery over 10 cards
Greeting card
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Greeting card
Text on the reverse side:
Gilding, the painting and layering of gold accents, was often the final stage of decorating French porcelain. As houses w...
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Greeting card
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