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Modern Deco Greeting Cards
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The oldest known confection in the world is the Linzer Torte, a tart with jam and a lattice pasty top, which shows up not only in a 1696 recipe, but in a Veronese manuscript dating back to 1653. The recipe was only discovered in 2005 in the Admont Abbey in Austria.
A6 size (148mm x 105mm)
Luxury pearlescent eco certified paper
Produced in our London studio
Trivia fact on the reverse
Biodegradable packaging
FREE UK delivery for 5 cards or more
FREE international delivery over 10 cards
Greeting card
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Greeting card
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The oldest known confection in the world is the Linzer Torte, a tart with jam and a lattice pasty top, which shows up not...
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Greeting card
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The ritual to toast, is when a drink is taken as an expression of celebration and goodwill. Some 20 million tiny bubbles ...
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Greeting card
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The city of Liverpool is a designated UNESCO World Heritage Site and is home to numerous world-class tourist attractions,...
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Greeting card
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Parents leave too soon, whilst partners and kids come along late. Siblings are always there! To have great siblings is on...
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