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Modern Deco Greeting Cards
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The Houses of Parliament was featured in a number of films to establish London as the location. One of the most famous appearance is the Bond movie "The World Is Not Enough". Not surprisingly, a number of permits had to be obtained before two speeding boats, gun-fire and explosions could be enacted on the Thames.
A6 size (148mm x 105mm)
Luxury pearlescent eco certified paper
Produced in our London studio
Trivia fact on the reverse
Biodegradable packaging
FREE UK delivery for 5 cards or more
FREE international delivery over 10 cards
Greeting card
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Greeting card
Text on the reverse side:
The Houses of Parliament was featured in a number of films to establish London as the location. One of the most famous ap...
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Greeting card
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London was the first city to reach a population of more than one million in 1811. It is still the world’s largest financi...
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Greeting card
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In the early years, the Union Jack was usually restricted to use at sea, which most likely is the origin of its name, si...
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Greeting card
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The London skyline offers a unique view where some of the highest buildings in Europe are located. Some of the skyscraper...
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