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American black-and-white science fiction giant monster film from Universal-International, directed by Jack Arnold who said "We decided to do this film because, generally, people are very afraid of spiders". It was the fourth biggest film at the U.S. box office in December 1955.
A6 size (148mm x 105mm)
Luxury pearlescent eco certified paper
Produced in our London studio
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Biodegradable packaging
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Greeting card
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American black-and-white science fiction giant monster film from Universal-International, directed by Jack Arnold who sai...
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Greeting card
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British-American romantic comedy, filmed at Pinewood Studios in Buckinghamshire, starred Laurence Olivier who also served...
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Based on the novel D'entre les morts by Boileau-Narcejac, this American film noir psychological thriller film was directe...
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The musical extravaganza was based on The Wonderful Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum. Although much of the original music is...
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