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Vintage Greeting Cards
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Text on the reverse side:
Adaptation of a woodcut by the Dutch graphic artist and painter Julie de Graag (1877-1924). The cat represents patience and waiting for the right moment to act. With their spirit of adventure, and curiosity, they remind us to courageously embark on a profound journey of self-discovery.
A6 size (148mm x 105mm)
Luxury pearlescent eco certified paper
Produced in our London studio
Trivia fact on the reverse
Biodegradable packaging
FREE UK delivery for 5 cards or more
FREE international delivery over 10 cards
Greeting card
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Greeting card
Text on the reverse side:
Adaptation of a woodcut by the Dutch graphic artist and painter Julie de Graag (1877-1924). The cat represents patience a...
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Greeting card
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Carpe diem, a Latin aphorism, usually translated “seize the day”, comes from the Roman poet Horace’s work Odes (23 BC). T...
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Greeting card
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Image taken from a vintage poster designed by Alphonse Mucha. His Art Nouveau style was often imitated although it was a ...
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Greeting card
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The peacock is a symbol of immortality because the ancients believed peacocks do not decay even after death. Furthermore,...
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