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The ocean being a symbol of power, strength, life and mystery, it has been depicted as a popular symbol in Japanese art. Design by the Japanese artist Shodo in 1935.
A6 size (148mm x 105mm)
Luxury pearlescent eco certified paper
Produced in our London studio
Trivia fact on the reverse
Biodegradable packaging
FREE UK delivery for 5 cards or more
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Greeting card
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Greeting card
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The ocean being a symbol of power, strength, life and mystery, it has been depicted as a popular symbol in Japanese art. ...
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One of the most commonly accepted origin of the name “fuji” is that the name sounds similar to “everlasting life.” Depi...
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Greeting card
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The iris and it's beauty have captivated the hearts of the Japanese since ancient times. Most commonly, it is believed t...
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Hiroshige is considered to be one of the greatest Japanese print artists. From the window we see plum blossoms - traditi...
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Greeting card
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Yasaka Pagoda, first built in 589, was repeatedly destroyed and burned in war. Always reconstructed to its original form...
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